Category: Christian Life

Stop complaining all the time

Stop complaining all the time

There is a lot to complain about right now. You can’t do the things you want to do. Your job situation is at the very least disrupted, maybe uncertain, and maybe just gone. The kids being at home means things are louder and messier than you’d like. The lack of certainty makes you grumpy. Your …

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Think about things worth thinking about

Think about things worth thinking about

I am sick of thinking about, reading about, talking about, and worrying about the coronavirus situation. How about you? It seems that most conversations I have had lately, sooner or later, are about the virus or some issue related to the virus. If you look at any news website, you need to scroll down a …

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Don’t worry, be…praying

Don’t worry, be…praying

We all deal with anxiety a little differently to one another. Some people are natural stressers, and some of us are more relaxed. Whichever category you fit into personally, you have a lot of external pressure on you at the moment. Jobs are uncertain, many are cooped up inside with their children, and others are …

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How will you use your extra time?

How will you use your extra time?

What do you do when you suddenly have lots of time? That is not a question that many of us have had to answer before. We like to fill our lives with all kinds of useful things: work, hobbies, shopping, and gatherings of family and friends. In our current restricted world, most of us have …

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You need other people. Yes, even now.

You need other people. Yes, even now.

‘Social distancing’ will probably be the phrase of the year in 2020. Most of us could not have defined that term last year; now we see it in every news article and as warnings in every building we enter. We are encouraged to spend more time away from other people. As some satirical articles have …

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A new kind of gathering; well, an old kind with new elements

A new kind of gathering; well, an old kind with new elements

In the early church, most gatherings were in houses. Church buildings didn’t become common until after the conversion of Constantine in the 300s. This means that when Paul wrote to churches in Ephesians, for example, this probably meant the collection of churches in the city of Ephesus that met in a variety of homes. We …

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Don’t forget to look for the right kind of food

Don’t forget to look for the right kind of food

The food shortage in Australia right now is bizarre. People are hoarding food and emptying shelves from the supermarket. In a rich and blessed country, many people are looking for food. Christians know that we need more than physical food to sustain us. We need the bread of life, the Word of God. This was …

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As wise as serpents, as innocent as doves

As wise as serpents, as innocent as doves

Christians should expect that serving Jesus in this world will mean people will be unhappy with us. Jesus warned his disciples as much in Matthew 10. When giving them instructions about their mission to the world, he said: 16 “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise …

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Seeing the world with compassion

Seeing the world with compassion

It is easy for Christians to be angry when we look at the people in our society. So many are lost in sin. So many live their lives for their families, for their work, for their bucket list, and they care nothing for Jesus. There are those who block out their thinking with drugs and …

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