Category: Bible

Preachers, work on connecting to your listeners

Preachers, work on connecting to your listeners

Preachers need to think about a lot of different things. It is hard work to interpret and explain God’s Word faithfully and well. A great deal of theological training goes into teaching the original languages, theology, Bible interpretation, and church history. All of this is critical. Yet preachers also need to consider how to connect …

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Improving our listening to sermons

Improving our listening to sermons

Most Christians are used to listening to sermons, but how well do we really listen? I have had the privilege of growing up in church and often attended multiple services when I was younger. I have probably listened to at least a couple of thousand sermons in person, not counting conferences and online listens. On …

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Finding joy in Bible reading

Finding joy in Bible reading

We all know that we should be reading our Bibles. We know it is important for us. Yet it can seem like a chore at times. Like taking medication, which we know we might need, we do it but don’t always enjoy it. It is good for us, but it is not always fun. Compare …

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Security in a world that seems out of control

Security in a world that seems out of control

The world seems out of control right now, don’t you think? There is a war in the Ukraine that has now dragged on for a long time. The Middle East, which is often unsettled, seems more divided than ever with active war zones in different places. There are countless refugees stranded from their homes around …

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