Is your church welcoming to single people?

Is your church welcoming to single people?

An increasing proportion of the population of the world is single. According to the latest census figures (2016), 24% of Australian households contain only one person. That percentage is rising sharply. There are a number of reasons for this, of course. An ageing population means there are a larger number of widows and widowers. A …

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The right perspective on forgiveness

The right perspective on forgiveness

Have you ever slammed your finger in a door? Or stubbed your toe? The pain is immediate and significant. At that point in time, you cannot think of anything else. The whole world is reduced to the pain in your finger or toe. Nothing else seems to matter. After a while, when the pain subsides, …

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Faith is trust, not just knowing things and believing them in your head

Faith is trust, not just knowing things and believing them in your head

‘Faith’ is one of those Christian words that everyone assumes that they know what it means. However, it is one of those words that people mean different things by. So let’s start by seeing what faith is not, before we see more clearly what faith is. Faith is not blindly hoping something is true. I …

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The church as a radical welcoming community

The church as a radical welcoming community

I want you to think about your friends for a moment. Who do you spend time with the most? What kind of people do you most easily call your friends? For most of us, our friends are actually quite similar to ourselves. University students tend to spend time with other university students. Mothers of young …

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Sin is far worse than we think it is

Sin is far worse than we think it is

When Christians think about sin, often it is in the context of our sins being forgiven. We know that we are sinners and that we do all kinds of things that disobey God, some of them unknowingly and some of them intentionally. But we have been forgiven for our sins, right? Jesus died for our …

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Listen to Jesus, not only Moses and Elijah

Listen to Jesus, not only Moses and Elijah

The Old Testament is rich and full of useful things for Christians to think about. We see how God relates to his people, his faithfulness to the promises, and instructions about how to live. All of that is true. Yet there is a real danger that we don’t see the Old Testament in the right …

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The voice from heaven reveals who Jesus is

The voice from heaven reveals who Jesus is

When Jesus was transfigured in Matthew 17, the disciples heard a voice from heaven. The voice said: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” (Matt. 17:5b ESV) This is the second time the disciples heard a voice from heaven; the first one was at Jesus’ baptism, and the …

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