Category: Old Testament

Assessing the right things

Assessing the right things

What is it that means a life is a good, full life? Although your answer will change depending on which culture you have grown up in, most people have a few key things they’d like to accomplish. Everyone wants meaningful work. We’d like a family structure we’re happy with, whether that is content singleness or …

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Defying your family for the gospel

Defying your family for the gospel

When asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus answered with the words of Deuteronomy 6:5: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt 22:37). That seems pretty straightforward, we might think. Put God first. Sure, I can do that. It’s one …

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Are you feeling tired?

Are you feeling tired?

It is near the end of a school term and the kids are getting tired. And not just the kids. Many people have been feeling tired. These past few months have been unusual in many ways and the many changes have been wearying. It is possible to feel a little less bright than usual. This …

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Can Christians marry more than one wife?

Can Christians marry more than one wife?

King Solomon famously had 700 wives. That’s mind-boggling. I’m not sure I even know 700 people, let alone understand all that goes into having 700 wives! This raises lots of questions in our minds. How did the scheduling work? Did he have favourites? How did he even remember their names? There is one question that …

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How should we think about the wealth of Solomon?

How should we think about the wealth of Solomon?

One thing that strikes even the casual reader of 1 Kings is the sheer wealth of Solomon. Chapter after chapter describe his building projects, his food, his trading partners, and his exotic animal collection. He was so wealthy that his ivory throne stood out in an age when kings often flaunted their wealth, and he …

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Do you get wiser with age?

Do you get wiser with age?

Do you get wiser as you get older? Is it fair to say that, in general, those who are older are wiser? Instinctively, most of us would like to think this is true. And it often is! As we grow older, as we have more experiences and make more mistakes, we should learn things. And …

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Use your organisation for more than just yourself

Use your organisation for more than just yourself

Organisation matters. If we are organised and use our administrative gifts, it will mean that we are more likely to do what we promise to do. It will mean that we don’t forget the important things we need to do. And we will reflect our Heavenly Father, who loves order. Solomon’s kingdom in 1 Kings …

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The value of being organised

The value of being organised

Some people love to make lists and plan out their diaries. They know what they need to do and when they need to do it by. I am one of those people. I always have a lot of diverse things to do and responsibilities to manage; if I don’t make some kind of plan, things …

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