Category: Church

Responding emotionally to the gospel

Responding emotionally to the gospel

It is true that, to be a Christian, there are things that we need to understand intellectually. We need to understand that we are sinners, that Jesus is God himself, that he came to earth as a man and died for our sins, rising again to prove that that the sacrifice was accepted. These are …

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The joy of commitment to a local church

The joy of commitment to a local church

Our church accepted six people into membership yesterday. This is always an encouraging time as we think about what it means to be a church together. It means not just attending a place to get teaching and sing some songs, but being part of a family and serving one another. It involves commitment, and membership …

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Crossing the church generation gap

Crossing the church generation gap

Biblical teaching about the church assumes that there will be a mix of older and younger people present in the congregation. We see instructions directed specifically to older people (like 1 Timothy 5:9-11) and to children (like Eph 6:1-3). There are instructions on how younger people should treat older people and vice versa (1 Timothy …

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No book but the Bible?

No book but the Bible?

If all kinds of Christian churches believe that the Bible is God’s word, that should be enough, right? All Bible-believing churches should be very similar to one another. In an ideal world that would be true. The reality is that we are all sinful people who don’t always agree on things and who read the …

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Being Presbyterian (in a country or wider)

Being Presbyterian (in a country or wider)

Being part of a Presbyterian denomination means more than doing some things together with churches in the same region; it also means being connected in a country. The denomination my church is a part of has sister churches in Sydney, Canberra and Queensland. How can we possibly connect in a useful way with churches so …

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Being Presbyterian (in a city or region)

Being Presbyterian (in a city or region)

To many, the idea of denominations seems irrelevant or even a bad idea. Often people speak against the ‘institutional church’ as if the moment that some formal structure is developed, that must be a bad thing. Of course, there have been many times that the ‘institutional church’ has done poor things or has been too …

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Being Presbyterian (in the local church)

Being Presbyterian (in the local church)

As discussed in the last blog post (which you can read here), a Presbyterian church is a church governed by elders. That doesn’t seem radical to most Christians. After all, churches of most different brands have elders of some type. It hardly seems distinctive. However, Presbyterian churches do run differently to other brands of churches. …

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Being Presbyterian and Reformed

Being Presbyterian and Reformed

Churches have all kinds of labels on the door. Some are traditional ones, like Baptist, Anglican or Presbyterian. Many now are simply called ‘community church’ or something like that, which says nothing about what kind of church it is. The church that I serve is called All Nations Presbyterian Church. Some have suggested that we …

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Tell me the old, old story again

Tell me the old, old story again

There is an old chorus called “Tell me the old, old story” which revels in the wonder of being told about the gospel once more. From the perspective of someone who has been a believer for many years, the song expresses that we love to hear it again and again. I love this song, but …

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Changing how we think about church morning tea

Changing how we think about church morning tea

Morning tea after church is a tradition in most churches, at least morning services. There is something great about the concept, and not just because I love a good cup of coffee. It reflects the reality that the church is not all about the formal service. The church is the people. The informal gathering after …

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