Category: Christian Life

Distorting the gift of rest

Distorting the gift of rest

Rest is a wonderful gift from God, as the previous blog post explained. God has been so gracious to his people to set up our lives with a rhythm that includes rest as well as work. It is a reminder of his goodness and our limitations and helps prevent us relying on ourselves too heavily. …

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Getting godly habits going

Getting godly habits going

It’s that time of year where so many start to consider starting good habits in their lives: the time of new year’s resolutions, the upsurge in gym memberships, and the start of many Bible reading plans for Christians. The problem is that life is quieter right now and doing these things is easier. When real …

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The annual Christmas circus

The annual Christmas circus

I notice the same thing every Christmas: the people who do not trust in Jesus are the ones who get most excited about the decorations, the music, the craft, the food and the whole circus that comes around this time of year. Christmas is big business. People are wearing Christmas-themed T-shirts (which means Santa/elves/tinsel/green and …

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The immense value of singleness

The immense value of singleness

Singleness doesn’t often get talked up in churches. There is a lot of focus on families, on Biblical teaching on marriage, on ministries aimed at covenant children, and on pre-marriage counselling. If you are unmarried in the church, you can sometimes feel that you are a second-class citizen of some type. Add to that the …

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