Church as a family

Church as a family

It is common for people to compare church to a family; after all, Jesus and the apostles use this word picture in their teaching. Jesus says that all who do the will of his Father are his mother and brothers and sisters (Matt 12:49-50). Paul routinely calls the readers of his letters “brothers and sisters …

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The joy of church membership

The joy of church membership

The church that I serve has the wonderful privilege of welcoming five new members today. Five people will stand up in front of the congregation and confess that they trust in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. They will make promises to serve the local church with their gifts. These are very different people, in …

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It’s not about being nice

It’s not about being nice

The Pharisees were the serious religious people of their day. They took morality seriously, they had the utmost respect for the law, and they were part of God’s historic chosen people. In other words, they thought they were the good guys. And so did a lot of other people. Yet, in Matthew 12, after a …

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Science and faith: not the enemies you think they are

Science and faith: not the enemies you think they are

Many people trust scientists but think that Christians are backward and anti-scientific. After all, many Christians express doubts about evolutionary theory, which most assume to be correct. Christians also have different ideas about sexuality based on what the Bible says. It seems odd to many that there will be people in the modern world who …

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Is it OK to pray to Jesus?

Is it OK to pray to Jesus?

I was recently asked a great question: is it OK to pray to Jesus instead of to the Father? Many Christians pray to Jesus and the Father interchangeably, and favour praying to Jesus because of the focus on Jesus in the church. Jesus loves me and died for me, so it seems to make sense …

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Propitiation: a big word that matters a lot

Propitiation: a big word that matters a lot

Some people love big words, and others hate them. Sometimes people use big words to disguise the fact that they don’t know what they are talking about, and often simple words can be used just as well to express an idea. With that in mind, today I want to explain a really important big word …

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