Seeing the good and not just the bad

Seeing the good and not just the bad

Everyone seems to be doing post-mortems on 2020 at the moment. And it is not hard to list all of the terrible things that have happened this year; it is truly remarkable how difficult it has been for so many. But I don’t see the point in dwelling on all the bad things. Let’s look …

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Christian books to read over summer

Christian books to read over summer

It is almost Christmas, and many of us are looking forward to some time off from work. We can relax in the air conditioning and sit back and just watch Netflix series over and over. Well, you could, but I’d argue that’s not making the best use of the time you have! I recommend that …

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The best prophet to the worst king

The best prophet to the worst king

By the time King Ahab came to the throne in 1 Kings 16, the northern kingdom of Israel had been rebelling against God for many years. Ever since King Jeroboam set up golden calves and a new system of worship, king after king after king continued in their evil ways. King Omri was the worst …

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Assessing the right things

Assessing the right things

What is it that means a life is a good, full life? Although your answer will change depending on which culture you have grown up in, most people have a few key things they’d like to accomplish. Everyone wants meaningful work. We’d like a family structure we’re happy with, whether that is content singleness or …

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Defying your family for the gospel

Defying your family for the gospel

When asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus answered with the words of Deuteronomy 6:5: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt 22:37). That seems pretty straightforward, we might think. Put God first. Sure, I can do that. It’s one …

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So…I’ve published a book!

So…I’ve published a book!

I have just published my first ever book! It is entitled ‘Fear not: What the Bible has to say about Angels, Demons, the Occult, and Satan’. The cover looks like this: Why would I want to write a book? A significant part of my ministry involves studying and explaining the Bible to people. A major …

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God loves to use imperfect people

God loves to use imperfect people

I have had the privilege of leading a group of people from my church on a whirlwind tour of church history in recent weeks. There was something great about seeing so many great themes and issues that God’s people had faced throughout the centuries. One thing that struck me was the way that God used …

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