Greed is not only a problem for other people

Greed is not only a problem for other people

Greed is one of those sins that creeps up on you. You see it in the lives of other people. It is easy to silently pass judgement on that person who bought that luxury car or lives a lifestyle you would be uncomfortable with. If your name doesn’t appear on some list of the wealthiest …

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Being nice is not the same as being Christian

Being nice is not the same as being Christian

Most parents have a certain dream for their children. They hope that they grow up to be nice, well-adjusted people. They hope that their children are respectable and, ideally, wealthy. The parents want them to be good to other people. If someone had a child who grew up into a nice, middle-class, friendly person, they …

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Don’t hinder the children from coming to Jesus

Don’t hinder the children from coming to Jesus

Today’s children are very busy. In previous generations, at least in Australia, it was common for children to spend a great deal of time outside, in parks, riding bikes, and relaxing. Now life is different. There are many after school activities, music practice or sports training, and for Christian families, church. How does this reality …

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Marriage and the kingdom of God

Marriage and the kingdom of God

When two people stand up in front of witnesses on their wedding day, they make a range of traditional vows. They promise to be faithful to one another until they are parted by death. And when those vows are made, they really mean them! No-one expects their marriage to end at that point. Yet, as …

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Samuel: A faithful and long life

Samuel: A faithful and long life

Samuel had a most unusual childhood. He was born as the result of God listening to the prayer of his mother, Hannah, who had been barren for many years. Samuel was given to God’s service and spent his life serving the priest Eli at Shiloh. He was faithful to God from a very young age …

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I have published a second book!

I have published a second book!

I have recently published my second book! The cover looks like this:   What is this book about? While the topic is retirement, this book explores what the Bible says about older age more generally. Here is the official blurb: Most of us assume that when we reach a certain age, we will retire from …

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