False teaching in Christian bookstores

False teaching in Christian bookstores

As part of a recent sermon on false teaching based on Jesus’ warning in Matthew 7, I mentioned that many of the bestselling books in Christian bookstores could be classified as false teaching. There are books that advocate for a non-orthodox and unbiblical view of the Trinity (the Shack), are based on a concept not clearly taught in the Bible (the left behind series), contain self-help advice but very little Bible, or which teach a form of prosperity gospel that is simply not in line with the Biblical teaching about the Christian life being a narrow, unpopular road.

The fact that these kinds of books are often the bestselling ones in Christian bookstores is alarming and reveals something disturbing. Christians are not that discerning with the content they absorb. We are drawn to books that promise us health and success, and not so drawn to the many faithful books that unpack the message and implications of the Bible for us.

(You could say the same thing for Youtube videos of Christian teaching and downloaded sermons from Christian preachers, of course).

If you are a new Christian, this is especially difficult. You might think it is a safe choice to select the bestselling books in the Christian bookstore as they will probably be good teaching. However, that is not the case. How can you know if a particular book is likely to be helpful and thought-provoking or dangerous and to be avoided?

Here are a few tips:

  1. If you’re not sure, ask a more mature Christian you know what they think. Or ask them for book recommendations or authors that can be trusted. Once someone knows their Bible well, they are more likely to be discerning about what is helpful and what is dangerous. If you don’t have a Bible knowledge that is very strong, asking for advice is a good place to start.
  2. Read any Christian book with the Bible at your side. Don’t assume that what they say about the text is right; look into it yourself. See if it seems reasonable.
  3. Once you are more familiar with the Christian publishing world, look for who recommends the book you are considering. If authors and Christian teachers you know and trust recommend it, you are on safer ground.

In an ideal world, Christian bookstores should be more discerning in what they stock and sell to remove some of this confusion. And some of them are! But as so many do not care what they stock as long as it is marketed for Christians and will sell, we need to be discerning as consumers.

A good Christian book will challenge your thinking, explain the Bible, and give you ideas for a response. I strongly recommend reading good Christian books. There are many out there! Just don’t be led astray and muddy your thinking with false teaching; be wise in what you read.