Category: Old Testament

Sin promises but never delivers

Sin promises but never delivers

Sin always promises so much. When we are considering giving in to lust, we feel that this will lead to pleasure and satisfaction. When we consider giving in to greed, we feel that this will bring us security and contentment. Yet it is a lie. Sin promises so much but does not deliver on its …

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You can build better family traditions

You can build better family traditions

Every family falls into patterns of doing things. It can be something minor, like placing the cups in the cupboard upside down when you have washed and dried them. Or it might be something major, like a pattern of responding to disagreements with anger or resentment with little forgiveness or grace. Some families value sport …

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Be careful what you permit (2 Kings 15-16)

Be careful what you permit (2 Kings 15-16)

Have you heard of the “slippery slope” argument? It is the assertion that if you permit one thing, that will lead to other things being permitted. You see this kind of argument used every time a new type of law is introduced. There are those who think that this argument is flawed, that permitting one …

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Easter is all about Jesus, and not just as an example

Easter is all about Jesus, and not just as an example

All of us have someone we look up to. Celebrity culture means that a great many people obsess over rock stars, sportspeople and actors. They know everything they can about their favourite celebrity. They read blogs, watch movies, go to concerts, buy merchandise, whatever it takes to know more about their person or to understand …

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