Category: Church

Be careful what you permit (2 Kings 15-16)

Be careful what you permit (2 Kings 15-16)

Have you heard of the “slippery slope” argument? It is the assertion that if you permit one thing, that will lead to other things being permitted. You see this kind of argument used every time a new type of law is introduced. There are those who think that this argument is flawed, that permitting one …

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Good intentions are not enough

Good intentions are not enough

Most of us have many good intentions. We really do intend to clean the house, or get around to fixing that problem, or to start that exercise programme. We mean to do it, but it never seems to get done. This is not a new problem. People have always been like this. We see this …

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Getting grace and faith right

Getting grace and faith right

Christians love to use the words ‘grace’ and ‘faith’. You would be hard pressed to listen to a Christian sermon or sing a Christian song without mention of one of these words. But what do they mean? Can you come up with a short and simple definition of each one? Sometimes we assume we know …

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Finding joy in the right place

Finding joy in the right place

You see the word “joy” all over the place this time of year. You have probably seen it on decorations, on greeting cards, and in supermarkets. You may well have sung carols which use the word liberally throughout. It is supposed to be the most joyful time of the year. And there are things that …

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Encouraging in a distinctively Christian way

Encouraging in a distinctively Christian way

What do you think it means to encourage someone? My immediate thought was that it meant to say something nice to someone. Perhaps that would be compliment their clothes or thank them for something. Perhaps it would be cheering on a child in a sporting match. While those are indeed good things to do, Christian …

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The wonder of church camps

The wonder of church camps

Our church had its annual church camp last weekend. It was, as usual, a really enjoyable and useful time in the life of our church. The majority of the regulars from our church spent Friday evening to Sunday afternoon together at a campsite in the suburbs of our city, hearing three great talks from Luke …

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God is still filling his wedding banquet hall

God is still filling his wedding banquet hall

Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a wedding banquet a king is hosting for his son in Matthew 22. Through history, God had been preparing the way for his people to come to this big party. This was primarily the Jewish people through the covenants and prophets and patterns of the Old Testament. The …

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Christianity is not about being nice or respectable

Christianity is not about being nice or respectable

Many people think of Christians as nice, clean-cut people. Those who are respectable, who are pillars of the community. There is a perception that Christians sometimes feel that they are superior to other people, looking down on those who have made different lifestyle choices. And – let’s be honest – sometimes that accusation has truth …

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The church as an alternative government

The church as an alternative government

In an ideal democratic system, there is a political party in government and another one in opposition. This is far healthier than having just one person or party controlling everything with no checks and balances. In theory, the opposition is supposed to present an alternative view of what the government could be. They stop the …

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