Category: Church

Strategic planning in the local church

Strategic planning in the local church

Some people like to plan for the future; others just seem to deal with whatever might happen to them. I am a planner. I like to make lists. I like to know what my diary is likely to look like next week, and what major events are planned next month. I realise that not everyone …

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Understanding introverts in the church

Understanding introverts in the church

We live in a world which values extroverts very highly. School children are marked on contributions in class. Job interview processes always include evidence of teamwork. TV shows and movies portray typical social lives as being dominated by attending parties and large social gatherings. We all love someone who loves people and is in their …

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The immense value of encouragement

The immense value of encouragement

Sometimes the right words, said at the right time, can change someone’s life. Encouragement has the power to really make a difference to people, yet it is a rarer thing than it should be. Christians live in a world that is not our home, a world full of discouragement. We feel the pressure of our …

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A Sabbatical break

A Sabbatical break

By the time you read this, I will be on a Sabbatical from my usual ministry. I have been pastoring now for almost 18 years, and ironically after a time of significant growth and encouragement in the church, I am feeling a bit run down and tired. My denomination allows pastors to have a Sabbatical …

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Christian teaching on sex should be more than “don’t do it”

Christian teaching on sex should be more than “don’t do it”

I fear that many people think that the Christian teaching on sex is “it is bad, don’t do it”. After all, many of the public statements from Christian sources on this topic are to oppose something that doesn’t fit the Biblical ideal. There are many “thou shall nots” when it comes to Christian teaching about …

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The joy of being Presbyterian

The joy of being Presbyterian

I suspect that most people don’t associate the word “joy” with the word “Presbyterian”. Presbyterians have a bit of a reputation for being a little wooden, very focussed on good theology, but not perhaps so full of joy. Yet it is the right word to describe many aspects of ministering in a Presbyterian church government …

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