Category: Bible

Offer grace and not just criticism

Offer grace and not just criticism

In Matthew 14, Jesus did some incredible things. He fed over 5000 people with a small amount of food. He walked on water. He calmed a storm. He healed all who came to him. The disciples worshipped him, and the people of Gennesaret flocked to him. And then the Pharisees, the religious leaders of the …

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Knowing enough but not knowing everything

Knowing enough but not knowing everything

You can know true things about something and yet not know everything about it. I know a fair bit about gardening, for example. I love seeing things grow. I have been enjoying picking mangoes and figs from my garden lately, and I have a fair idea how to grow most vegetables. I know the basics …

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Teaching the Bible to a mix of cultures

Teaching the Bible to a mix of cultures

Not everyone is like you. I hope that doesn’t come as a surprise! Sure, they might look like you. They might have the same number of arms and legs. Yet other people see the world in a wildly different way to what you do. That is due to all kinds of factors, including culture, age, …

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An introduction to honour and shame

An introduction to honour and shame

If you’ve grown up in the West, honour and shame are probably not things that impact you very much. Westerners are not known for feeling shame deeply. If you do something embarrassing, that’s unfortunate but not that bad. If it’s funny, it may well end up on YouTube! Those who have grown up in the …

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Change doesn’t depend on the preacher

Change doesn’t depend on the preacher

One of my main jobs is as a preacher. I have the privilege of explaining and applying God’s word to people most weeks of the year. As an organised person, I plan my preaching programme well in advance. I can tell you which sermon series I am preaching for every Sunday in 2021, and in …

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