Author: Simon van Bruchem

The tragedy of separating sex from relationships

The tragedy of separating sex from relationships

A great many people simply assume that sex and relationships are two completely different things. Sex is seen as only a physical act. For many decades now, from one-night stands to Tinder ‘dates’ to internet pornography, many seek out sex as a means to their own gratification. The connection between sex and a real relationship …

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Christian teaching on sex should be more than “don’t do it”

Christian teaching on sex should be more than “don’t do it”

I fear that many people think that the Christian teaching on sex is “it is bad, don’t do it”. After all, many of the public statements from Christian sources on this topic are to oppose something that doesn’t fit the Biblical ideal. There are many “thou shall nots” when it comes to Christian teaching about …

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The joy of being Presbyterian

The joy of being Presbyterian

I suspect that most people don’t associate the word “joy” with the word “Presbyterian”. Presbyterians have a bit of a reputation for being a little wooden, very focussed on good theology, but not perhaps so full of joy. Yet it is the right word to describe many aspects of ministering in a Presbyterian church government …

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The risen saints of Matthew 27

The risen saints of Matthew 27

In the account of Jesus’ death in Matthew’s gospel, we get some of the strangest verses in the entire Bible: 52 The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, 53 and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and …

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Why was there darkness before Jesus died?

Why was there darkness before Jesus died?

A series of very strange things happened around the time of the death of Jesus on the cross. While he was hanging on the cross, it became dark like night-time in the middle of the day, from around midday to 3 p.m. (Matt 27:45). That would be incredibly creepy. At the time when the light …

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Easter: familiar and important

Easter: familiar and important

After a while, we get used to things. Think about the last time you moved house or bought a car. When you first had these things, it was all exciting and new. You noticed new aspects of them regularly. You found yourself thanking God for these great gifts. Yet, after a while, you got used …

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The God of second chances

The God of second chances

In our culture, if you make a mistake, you’re out. One wrong tweet can mean that people boycott your books. One thoughtless soundbite in a press conference and you might not be up for re-election. It does not take much for the online mob to call for your blood. For a society which likes to …

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