Why the name?
The name of this blog, ‘written for our instruction’, is directly from 1 Corinthians 10:11. In that passage, the apostle Paul is writing to Christians in the first century who live in a Greek city named Corinth. He recounts an episode from the Old Testament to them in the first few verses of chapter 10, something that happened well over a thousand years earlier. He interprets that episode (from what we now call the Old Testament) as ultimately being about Jesus, not just some historical facts. And even more strikingly, Paul then applies this ancient episode to his modern readers. He was convinced that the Scriptures were far more than some old, dusty book. All of the Bible is written for our instruction, for us who have ears to hear what it says.
I am convinced, like Paul, that the Bible is critical for our lives. But even Christians can be distracted by looking for answers and meaning in other places. This blog is essentially a series of applications to the modern world based on the ancient book, the Bible. As this is the same conviction expressed in 1 Corinthians 10:11, it seemed an appropriate name for this blog.