Month: June 2019

The joy of commitment to a local church

The joy of commitment to a local church

Our church accepted six people into membership yesterday. This is always an encouraging time as we think about what it means to be a church together. It means not just attending a place to get teaching and sing some songs, but being part of a family and serving one another. It involves commitment, and membership …

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Showing faith by what we do

Showing faith by what we do

We are only saved by grace. That is a wonderful truth. We can only be counted as one of God’s people by what Jesus has done for us in his death and resurrection. He paid the debt we could not pay. Jesus took our sins upon himself. All we need to do is trust in …

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False teaching in Christian bookstores

False teaching in Christian bookstores

As part of a recent sermon on false teaching based on Jesus’ warning in Matthew 7, I mentioned that many of the bestselling books in Christian bookstores could be classified as false teaching. There are books that advocate for a non-orthodox and unbiblical view of the Trinity (the Shack), are based on a concept not …

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Crossing the church generation gap

Crossing the church generation gap

Biblical teaching about the church assumes that there will be a mix of older and younger people present in the congregation. We see instructions directed specifically to older people (like 1 Timothy 5:9-11) and to children (like Eph 6:1-3). There are instructions on how younger people should treat older people and vice versa (1 Timothy …

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Great books for the sceptical

Great books for the sceptical

There are many people who think Christians are uninformed anti-scientific people who believe things disproved by scientists years ago. Richard Dawkins famously said that faith is believing something that you know isn’t true. This prevents quite a few people from even considering the claims of Christianity. Why would you bother? Surely science has proved that …

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Persevering in the Christian Life

Persevering in the Christian Life

It all sounds so easy. Come to Jesus, and all will be fine. God does it all; you are saved by grace; it is all about what God does and not what you do. Just trust Jesus, and you’re in! And it’s true. It is wonderful news. The only way to be saved and get …

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